logo Application Code Libraries
The Nuclear Data Validation Group of KAERI/NDC has been producing several kinds of cross section libraries for general purpose radiation transport/depletion programs such as MCNP/MCNPX, McCARD, DANTSYS/PARTISN, DOORS, WIMS, SCALE/ORIGEN, etc. The cross section libraries have been widely used in many research areas by domestic and foreign researchers, while fulfilling the nuclear data needs for R&D activities on the advanced reactors.

ACE-Format Nuclear Data Library
  • KNE
  • ENDF/B-based library
  • KNF
  • JEFF-based library
  • KNJ
  • JENDL-based library
The Monte Carlo transport codes such as MCNP/MCNPX and McCARD adopt ACE-formatted continuous-energy cross section libraries for the radiation transport calculations. The libraries have been generated through NJOY code processing with the source evaluated nuclear data files. The MCLIB-E6, which was the first ACE-format library officially disseminated by the KAERI/NDC, contained continuous-energy neutron data at 300K, 600K, and 900K for 332 nuclides mainly from ENDF/B-VI.5. This library can be obtained from the OECD/NEA Data Bank.

MATXS-Format Nuclear Data Library
  • Neutron/photon shielding library
  • Fast reactor library
The MATXS-format multi-group cross section library is considered as the master library for applications to the SN transport codes such as DANTSYS/PARTISN and DOORS. The libraries have been generated through NJOY code processing with the source evaluated nuclear data files. The MATXS-format libraries can be converted to other formats such as ISOTXS- and ANISN-formats through the utility code TRANSX.

COVFIL-Format Covariance Data Library
  • GCov-E
  • ENDF/B-based library
  • GCov-F
  • JEFF-based library
  • GCov-J
  • JENDL-based library
Covariance data are essential for application to nuclear data sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for nuclear integral parameters of interest, such as criticality, reaction rate, etc. The COVFIL-format multi-group covariance matrix data library has been generated through NJOY/ERRORR code processing with the source covariance data files. The libraries have been applied to the keff uncertainty estimation due to nuclear data using DANTSYS/SUSD3D codes.

SCALE Library
  • YLD
  • Fission-product yield library
  • Dec
  • Nuclear decay library
The SCALE code package includes the fission product yield data and decay data, which are essential for various burnup and depletion analyses. The generation of new SCALE/ORIGEN-S fission product yield and decay data libraries based on the recently available evaluated files has been carried out. The libraries have been applied to the decay heat analysis after a fission event of actinides.
Nuclear Data Center, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, 989-111 Daedeok-daero, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34057, KOREA
Tel: +82-42-868-8651, Fax: +82-42-868-2636, E-mail: kimdh@kaeri.re.kr