202PB EC DECAY (52.5E+3 Y)
Parent state: G.S.
Half life: 52.5E+3 Y(28)
Q(gs): 50(15) keV
Branch ratio:        1.0    

EC: total intensity = 100.0

S. ZHU and F.G. KONDEV, Nuclear Data Sheet 109, 699 (2008)
202PB EC DECAY (3.54 H)
Parent state: 2169.83(7) keV
Half life: 3.54 H(2)
Q(gs): 50(15) keV
Branch ratio:      0.095( 5)

EC: total intensity = 108.2

Gamma ray: for absolute intensity multiply by 5.6(3)
   Energy(keV)    Intensity(rel)
    148.55(15)      0.45(15)
    211.92( 7)       1.5( 3)
     241.1( 1)      1.73(24)
    335.55(10)      0.45(10)
    389.94( 7)      12.4(10)
    459.72( 7)      17.3(10)
    490.47( 7)      18.4(10)
    601.95( 8)       1.2( 1)

S. ZHU and F.G. KONDEV, Nuclear Data Sheet 109, 699 (2008)

Please e-mail to jhchang@kaeri.re.kr for any comment. Thank you.