fission yield
Fission Yields
Fissile with Neutron Energy |
Yields ( sum = 2 ) |
Direct |
Accumulated |
U-235 with 0.0253 eV
| .00000E+00 |
5.09464E-05 |
U-235 with 1.0 MeV
| .00000E+00 |
1.32585E-04 |
U-238 with 1.0 MeV
| 3.57533E-08 |
1.11310E-04 |
Pu-239 with 0.0253 eV
| 5.53281E-06 |
2.01637E-04 |
Pu-239 with 1.0 MeV
| 9.01798E-06 |
3.24076E-04 |
Fission Yields to Meta State
Fissile with Neutron Energy |
Yields ( sum = 2 ) |
Direct |
Accumulated |
U-235 with 0.0253 eV
| .00000E+00 |
7.43777E-05 |
U-235 with 1.0 MeV
| .00000E+00 |
2.18879E-04 |
U-238 with 1.0 MeV
| 7.19709E-09 |
2.59291E-04 |
Pu-239 with 0.0253 eV
| 1.27939E-06 |
1.99044E-04 |
Pu-239 with 1.0 MeV
| 1.81531E-06 |
3.24141E-04 |
CSWEG, ENDF/B-VI Summary Documentation,Report BNL-NCS-17541 (ENDF-201) (1991)