- Atomic Mass: 221.0139078 +- 0.0000076 amu
- Excess Mass: 12954.995 +- 7.039 keV
- Binding Energy: 1701960.247 +- 7.046 keV
- Beta Decay Energy: B- -1553.717 +- 50.813 keV
"The 1995 update to the atomic mass evaluation" by G.Audi and A.H.Wapstra,
Nuclear Physics A595 vol. 4 p.409-480, December 25, 1995.
- Spin: 5/2+
- Half life: 28 s
- Mode of decay: Alpha to Rn-217
- Mode of decay: 14C
- Branch ratio: 1E-12 %
- Decay energy: 6.886 MeV
- Possible parent nuclides:
- Alpha from Th-225
R.R.Kinsey, et al.,The NUDAT/PCNUDAT Program for Nuclear Data,paper submitted to the 9 th International Symposium of Capture-Gamma_raySpectroscopy and Related Topics, Budapest, Hungary, Octover 1996.Data extracted from NUDAT database (Jan. 14/1999)
Magnetic Dipole Moments and Electric Quadrupole Moments
Ex(kev) | T1/2 | Spin | | m(nm) | | Q(b) | | Ref. Std. | Method | Reference |
0 | 30 s | 5/2- | | -0.180(2) | | | | "[213,225Ra]" | "CFBLS, R" | NP A483 244 (88)/PRL 59 771 (87) |
| | | | | | +1.98(11) st | | | CFBLS | ZP D11 105 (89) |
| | | | | | +1.9(2) st | | | "CFBLS, R" | NP A483 244 (88)/ZP D4 227 (87) |
| | | | | | | | | | |
N. J. Stone, Table of Nuclear Magnetic Dipole and Electric Quadrupole Moments, to be published. 2000 Courtesy of T. Burrows at BNL/NNDC.