 Conference Topics
 Conference Program
 Key Dates
 Venue & Accommodation
 Summary Submission
 Full Paper Submission
ND2010 Program (Oral)
Monday, April 26
   * Invited Talk              * Unclear
  Room A
Opening Addresses

Nam Zin Cho, ND2010 Chair

Myung Seung Yang, KAERI President

Gun-Cheorl Park, KNS President

Luis Echávarri, OECD/NEA Director-General

Sharing the Knowledge Benefits for the Future Society
Dong-Pil Min
KRCF Chair

Future Technical Challenges in Research on Nuclear Data
Mark Chadwick
Special Talks
Chair: Young-Ouk Lee

Sharing the Knowledge Benefits for the Future Society
Dong-Pil Min, KRCF Chair

Future Technical Challenges in Research on Nuclear Data
Mark Chadwick, LANL XCP Leader
  Room A Room B Room C Room D Room E Room F
Reaction Cross Section Measurements I
Nuclear Structure &
 Decay Data I
Heavy Ion Accelerator I Nuclear Reaction Models I Fusion Technology Applications Medical Applications I
Chair: Yaron Danon Chair: Alejandro Algora Chair: Seung-Woo Hong Chair: David Brown Chair: Axel Klix Chair: Sandor Takacs
11:00 #1363 #1710 #1792 #1133 #1374 #1781
Neutron Inelastic
Cross Section
Measurements for Sodium
Invariant Mass Spectroscopy
for the Neutron Rich Nuclei
Design Features of
Heavy Ion Accelerators
for KoRIA
Applications of the
Theory to Advanced
Nuclear Sciences
The European Effort on the Evaluation and Validation of Nuclear Data for Fusion Technology Applications Recent Advances in Nuclear Data Research
for Medical Applications
Arjan Plompen Y. Satou Jong Seo Chai Toshihiko Kawano Ulrich Fischer Syed M. Qaim
11:30 #1321 #1179 #1797 #1491 #1566 #1277
Neutron Elastic
Scattering Cross-Section Measurements at 175 MeV
Conversion Coefficients
for Superheavy Elements
Applicability of the
PHITS code to Heavy Ion Accelerator Facilities
Recent Developments
in the Nonelastic Reaction Code BRIEFF
Self-consistent Calculation
of Neutronic Effects in the Development of Fusion Reactor Concept
Activation Cross-Sections of Alpha and Deuteron Induced Nuclear Reactions on Iron
Milan Tesinsky T. Kibédi Koji Niita Helder Duarte B.G. Hong Kwangsoo Kim
11:50 #1354 #1638 #1632 #1253 #1107 #1430
Measurements of Double-Differential Cross Sections
on Inelastic Neutron Scattering from 12C, 56Fe, 89Y and 208Pb
How is it possible to change the Nuclear Lifetime? Direct Measurement
 of the 14O(α,p)17F
Reaction Rate
Particle Capture Reaction Using Extended Core Plus Valence Nucleon Model Neutron Activation
Experiments on Niobium
in the NPI p-7Li Quasi-Monoenergetic Neutron Field
Investigation of Production Possibilities of Radiobromines for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications
Cecilia Gustavsson Il-Tong Cheon A. Kim Kazuyuki Yamamoto Milan Honusek Ingo Spahn
 Reaction Cross Section Measurements II
Nuclear Structure &
 Decay Data II
Data Format & Processing Nuclear Reaction Models II Uncertainty Quantification and
Covariance Matrix I
Spallation Studies
Chair: A.R. Junghans Chair: Il-Tong Cheon Chair: Naohiko Otsuka Chair: Yusuke Uozumi Chair: Donald Smith Chair: Koji Niita
13:30 #1211 #1121 #1553   #1069 #1498
Activation Cross Sections
on Hafnium Isotopes from the Threshold to 20 MeV
New IAEA Actinide
Decay Data Library
On the Effects of
Correlations in Evaluated Nuclear Data on the Uncertainties in Integral Parameters
Results from the IAEA Benchmark of Spallation Models
Arjan Plompen Filip Kondev Mary PW Chin Andrej Trkov Sylvie Leray
14:00 #1331 #1391 #1153   #1779 #1348
The Measurement of
Neutron Activation
Cross Section of 59Co
Below 36 MeV.
Nuclear Structure
Data for the Study of
an Induced Depletion
of Metastable Isomers
Modern Nuclear
Database Format
Issues in Neutron Cross Section Covariances New Features of the
INCL4 Model for
Spallation Reactions
Eva Šimečková James Carroll Bret Beck P. Oblozinsky Joseph Cugnon
14:20 #1072 #1387   #1484 #1352 #1336
Investigation of (n, a) Reaction for Rare-Earth Elements in the MeV Neutron Energy Region A Precise
Measurement of Beta
Spectrum of 87Rb
Modelling Resonant
Dependent Angular
Distribution via DBRC
in Monte Carlo Codes
Bayesian Based
Uncertainties of
Reaction Cross
Sections of Mn-55
Multifragmentation in
Spallation Reactions
Yuri Gledenov Yeongduk Kim Ron Dagan Helmut Leeb Davide Mancusi
14:40 #1081 #1665   #1304   #1548
Neutron Induced Light-Ion Production from Iron and Bismuth at 175 MeV Systematics of the
 Yrast Energies in
Even-Even Nuclei with a Recent Empirical Formula
What can we expect from the use of Nuclear Models Implemented in MCNPX at Projectile Energies below 150 MeV? Detailed Comparison with Experimental Data Measurement of High
Energy Neutron
Induced Cross Sections
for Chromium,
Yttrium and Terbium
Riccardo Bevilacqua Jin-Hee Yoon A.Yu. Konobeyev Shun Sekimoto
Reaction Cross Section
Measurements III
Experimental Facilities I   Evaluated Nuclear
Data Libraries I
Fission Energy
Applications I
Chair: Arjan Plompen Chair: Hideo Harada Chair: Mark Chadwick Chair: Teruhiko Kugo Chair: Franz-Josef Hambsch
15:30 #1091     #1070 #1232 #1532
Measurements of (n,xn) Threshold Reactions
in Au, Bi, In, Ta, and I
International Cooperation in
Nuclear Data Evaluation
Nuclear Data Target Accuracies for
Generation-IV Systems
Based on the Use of
New Covariance Data
An Update of the
Nuclear Data
Standards Activities
Ondrej Svoboda Claes Nordborg Giuseppe Palmiotti Allan Carlson
16:00 #1483 #1631   #1247 #1628 #1520
Measurement of (n,xnγ) Reactions of Interest for the New Nuclear Reactors Nuclear Data Production Facilty of KIGAM JENDL-4.0:
A New Library for
Innovative Nuclear
Energy Systems
Application of AFCI  Covariance Data to
Uncertainty Evaluation of
Fast System Integral Parameters
Neutron-Capture Studies on 235U and 238U via AMS
Jean Claude Thiry Gi-dong Kim Keiichi Shibata Won Sik Yang Anton Wallner
16:20 #1220 #1467   #1546 #1434 #1240
Molybdenum and Zirconium Neutron Total Cross Section
Measurements in the Energy Range of 0.5 to 20 MeV
Precise Atomic Mass Measurements with JYFLTRAP for Nuclear Structure Data  and Applications Status of the JEFF
Nuclear Data Library
Covariance Library for
the Advanced Fuel
Cycle Data Adjustment
Measurement of the 238U Neutron-Capture Cross Section and Gamma-Emission
Spectra from Thermal
to 100 keV Using the
DANCE Detector at LANSCE
Michael Rapp Ari Jokinen Arjan Koning C.M. Mattoon John Ullmann
16:40 #1280 #1681        
Cross Sections for Neutron Inelastic Scattering on 28Si Characterization of the New n_TOF Neutron Beam: Dentensity, Energy
Distribution and Resolution
Alexandru Negret Carlos Guerrero
Tuesday, April 27
  * Red Color: Invited Talk
  Room A
Plenary I
Chair: Claes Nordborg

#1063 Nuclear Data Uncertainties in 2010: A Perspective
Donald Smith

#1722 Modern Nuclear Data Evaluation: Straight from Nuclear Physics to Applications
Arjan Koning
  Room A Room B Room C Room D Room E Room F
Reaction Cross Section
Measurements IV
Experimental Facilities II Photon Strength Functions Evaluated Nuclear
Data Libraries II
Space & Shielding
Integral Experiments
Chair: Filip Kondev Chair: Insik Hahn Chair: Jutta Escher Chair: Keiichi Shibata Chair: Hee-Seock Lee Chair: J.Blair Briggs
10:30 #1061 #1648 #1534 #1156 #1798 #1230
The Neutron Resonance Parameters of 197Au from
Transmission, Capture and Self-Indication Measurements at GELINA
Accelerator Mass
Spectrometry at Seoul
National University
Photon Strength Functions
of Medium-Weight and
Heavy Nuclei Studied from Neutron Capture Reactions
Development of the
ENDF/B-VII.1 and Its
Covariance Component
Role of Nuclear Physics
 in Missions to
Moon, Mars and beyond
The MANTRA (Measurement of Actinide Neutronic Transmutation Rates with Accelerator Mass Spectroscopy) Experiment for Higher Actinide Data Assessment
Cristian Massimi Seonho Choi Frantisek Becvar Michal Herman Ram K. Tripathi Gilles Youinou
11:00 #1466 #1680 #1515 #1189 #1490 #1589
Neutron Total and
Capture Cross Section
of W Isotopes
Past, Present and
Future of the n_TOF
Facility at CERN
Study of Photon Strength Functions of Minor Actinides: the Case of 237Np, 240Pu
and 243Am
Status of JENDL
High Energy File
Shielding Experiments under JASMIN Collaboration at
Fermilab (I) Overview of the Research Activities
The Activation of Fe
by Deuterons at
Energies up to 20 MeV
Peter Schillebeeckx M. Calviani Carlos Guerrero Yukinobu Watanabe Yoshimi Kasugai Lukáš Závorka
11:20 #1032 #1475 #1296 #1278 #1461 #1486
Measurement of
Neutron Cross Sections
and Resonance
Parameters of Tm-169
below 100 eV
The nELBE Neutron
Time of Flight Facility
Measurements of
keV-neutron Capture
Cross-Sections and
Capture Gamma-ray
Spectra of Fe-56 and Fe-57
The Updated Version
of Chinese Evaluated
Nuclear Data Library
Shielding Experiments under JASMIN Collaboration at
Fermilab (IV) Measurements and Analyses of High-Energy Neutron Spectra in the
Anti-Proton TargetStation
Integral Neutronics Experiment with a Mock-up of the European HCLL-TBM for ITER
Haicheng Wu A.R. Junghans Guinyun Kim Ruirui Xu Norihiro Matsuda Axel Klix
11:40 #1195 #1687   #1767 #1413 #1399
Measurement of the Secondary Neutron
Emission Differential
and Double-Differential
Cross Sections
Between 20 and 30 MeV
Gas Control System
with PLC for PNU-RICH2
A New Format for
Handling Nuclear Data
Comparison of Neutron Data
Libraries for the Analysis of
the H.B.ROBINSON-2 Pressure Vessel Benchmark with the MCNPX Code
Study of Light Charged Particle Production Double-Differential Cross Sections from Proton-Actinide
Reactions at 300 to 600 MeV
Xichao Ruan Changwook Son Federico Carminati Alexander Vasiliev Aleksandre Mzhavia
Fission Measurements I
Photonuclear Reaction
  Nuclear Reaction Models III UncertaintyQuantification and
Covariance Matrix II
Fission Studies
Chair: Oliver Serot Chair: Yinlu Han Chair: Michal Herman Chair: Won Sik Yang Chair: Gilles Noguere
13:30 #1540 #1250   #1784 #1226 #1501
Complete Experimental Determination of Isotopic Fragment Distributions
from Fission of Minor
and Major Actinides.
Isomeric Yield Ratios
in the Photonuclear
Reactions Products of
45Sc and 93Nb
Event Generator Models
in the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport Code System; PHITS
Use of Covariance Matrices in a Consistent (Multiscale) Data Assimilation for Improvement of Basic Nuclear Parameters in Nuclear Reactor Applications: From Meters to Femtometers Recent Advances in
Nuclear Fission Theory:
Pre- and Post-Scission Physics
Fanny Rejmund Guinyun Kim Koji Niita Giuseppe Palmiotti Patrick Talou
14:00 #1531 #1100   #1326 #1723 #1478
Fission Cross-section
Measurements of 233U,
245Cm and 241,243Am
at CERN n_TOF Facility
Photoneutron Cross
Sections for Zr and
Sn Isotopes
Production of Light Nuclei
in Spallation Reactions
Thorium Molten Salt
Fast Reactor Nuclear
Data Uncertainty Analysis
Towards Improved Evaluation of Neutron-Induced
Fission Cross Section
Marco Calviani Hiroaki Utsunomiya Sylvie Leray Adrien Bidaud Stephane Goriely
14:20 #1519 #1721   #1378 #1071 #1312
237Np(n,f) Cross Section: New Data and Present Status Multi-particle
Photonuclear Reactions
behind Giant Dipole Resonance
New Intranuclear Cascade Model Including Nucleon
Correlations and Wave Motion
Use of Model-based
Covariance Estimates in Dosimetry Applications
Advanced Modeling of Prompt Neutron and Gamma-Ray Emission during Low Energy
Nuclear Fission
Carlos Paradela Irina Makarenko Yusuke Uozumi Patrick Griffin Nicolae Carjan
14:40 #1159 #1708   #1299 #1469 #1236
235U Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra - Experimental Mistakes or Conflict of Our
Shielding Parameter Evaluation for Gev-range Electron Accelerator: Double Differential Photoneutron Yield PYF: Predictions of
Fragment Mass Yields
for Transmutation of
Minor Actinides
Impact of Cross-Section-Covariance Data on Results
 of High-Confidence
Criticality Validation
Calculation of 239Pu Fission Observables in an Event-by-Event Simulation
Nikolay Kornilov Hee-Seock Lee Sergey Zhdanov Tatiana Ivanova Ramona Vogt
Fission Measurements II
Experimental Facilities III Heavy Ion Accelerator II Nuclear Reaction Models IV Fission Energy
Applications II
Medical Applications II
Chair: Nikolay Kornilov Chair: Yoshiaki Kiyanagi Chair: Yong Kyun Kim Chair: Stéphane Hilaire Chair: Robert Jacqmin Chair: Jong-Won Kim
15:30 #1127 #1786 #1789 #1535 #1775 #1203
Fission Physics and Cross Section Measurements
 with a Lead Slowing Down Spectrometer
Neutron Resonance
Spectroscopy at GELINA
HIE-ISOLDE Project RIPL – Reference
Input Parameter Library for Calculation of Nuclear Reactions and Nuclear
Data Evaluations
Recent Application of
Nuclear Data to Reactor
Core Analysis in JAEA
Activation Cross Section of Deuteron Induced Reaction
on Natural Thallium for the Production of 203Pb
Yaron Danon Peter Schillebeeckx Yacine Kadi Roberto Capote Teruhiko Kugo Razvan Adam
16:00 #1516 #1526 #1479 #1351 #1652 #1392
High-energy Neutron-induced
Fission Cross Sections
of natPb and 209Bi
Experiments and  Measurement Techniques in Spent Fuel Lattices within the LIFE@PROTEUS Program Nuclear Inputs for
Project-Development of an
Evaluation Tool
Nuclear Data Uncertainty
Propagation for a
Sodium Fast Reactor
Measurement of Neutron
Yields from Thick Targets
Bombarded with 18 MeV Protons
Laurent Audouinío Edwin Kolbe Stephane Goriely Helmut Leeb Dimitri Rochman Masayuki Hagiwara
16:20 #1155 #1656 #1528 #1539 #1415 #1451
Fission Cross Section
Measurements of
Actinides at LANSCE
Laser-produced Fast
Neutrons and Neutron
Yield Measurement
AMS Measurements
for Nuclear
Astrophysics Across
the Nuclear Chart
The Recent Absolute
Total np and pp Cross
Section Determinations:
Quality of Data Description
and Prediction of
Experimental Observables
Development of a
Unified Cross-section
Set ADJ2010 based on
Adjustment Technique for
Fast Reactor Core Design
Comprehensive Evaluations of
Charged Particle Data for Production of the Therapeutic
Radionuclides 103Pd,
186Re and 67Cu
Fredrik Tovesson Sungman Lee Anton Wallner Robert Haight Kazuteru Sugino Syed M. Qaim
16:40 #1471 #1635 #1605 #1044 #1488 #1768
Measurement of
Fragment Mass Yields
in Neutron-Induced
Fission of 232Th and
238U at 33, 45 and 60 MeV
Diagnostics and
Simulation Studies of
Laser-Produced High
Density Plasmas
Simulation of Nuclear
Fragmentation Process
for Korea Rare Isotope
Microscopic Optical
Potential of Isospin Dependent Nucleon, Deuteron and
Helium-3 Based on Skyrme Interactions
Impact of Deuterium
Nuclear Data on
Critical Systems
Involving Heavy Water
Comparison of the
Dosimetric Characteristics
 of High Atomic-numbered
Inorganic Scintillators as a Fiber Optic-based Photon Dosimeter
Vasily Simutkin Yong-Joo Rhee Jaegwon Yoo Yinlu Han Ken Kozier Jae Woo Park
Wednesday, April 28
  * Red Color: Invited Talk
  Room A
Plenary II
Chair: Robin Forrest
#1513 Towards Many Body Theory Based Nuclear Data Evaluations
Stéphane Hilaire

#1361 Nuclear Data for Astrophysics Research: A New Online Paradigm
Michael Smith
  Room A Room B Room C Room D Room E Room F
Measurements III
Nuclear Structure
& Decay Data III
Heavy Ion Accelerator III Evaluated Nuclear Data
Libraries III
Benchmark Testing I Resonances &
Low Energy Regions
Chair: Stephan Pomp Chair: Jagdish Tuli Chair: Sydney Gales Chair: Arjan Koning Chair: Hae Ryong Hwang Chair: Herbert Faust
10:30 #1083 #1796 #1790 #1795 #1135 #1745
235U(n,F), 233U(n,F) and 239Pu(n,F) Prompt Fission Capture Gamma-Ray
Libraries for Nuclear
Present Status and
Perspectives of RIBF
Progress of China
Nuclear Data Evaluation
Identification of Integral Benchmarks for Nuclear Data
Testing Using DICE (Database for the International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments)
What Do the Averages- and
 p-wave Neutron
Radiative Widths Reveal ?
Vladimir Maslov B. W. Sleaford Hiroyoshi Sakurai Zhixiang Zhao J.Blair Briggs Said Mughabghab
11:00 #1286 #1136 #1752 #1241 #1684 #1077
Investigation of the
Fission Process at IRMM
Time Dependent
Particle Emission from
Fission Products
Nuclear Data Studies
at Argonne National
Laboratory: Status
and Perspectives
Overview of the 2009
Release of the
Evaluated Nuclear
Data Library (ENDL2009)
New Benchmarks versus Old
Benchmarks: A Comparison of the ICSBEP and CSEWG
Evaluation of the Chromium Resonance Parameters Including Resonance Parameter Covariance
Franz-Josef Hambsch Shannon Holloway Filip Kondev David Brown Richard McKnight Luiz Leal
11:20 #1196 #1324 #1666 #1138 #1404 #1670
Cross-section Measurements for Neutron-Induced
Fission of Minor Actinides with Lead Slowing-Down
Spectrometer at KURRI
Beta Decay Studies of
Neutron-Rich Nuclei
Using Total Absorption
Gamma-ray Spectroscopy
and Delayed Neutron Measurements
NFS : A Neutron
Facility at SPIRAL-2
GeV-Nucleon Data
Library for Applications
Testing of FENDL-3/SLIB
Neutron Cross-Section
Data for Applications to the IFMIF Neutron Source Facility
Influence of Resonance
Effects in the
Unresolved Resonance
Region on 232Th Data
Kentaro Hirose J.L. Tain Fanny Rejmund Oleg Grudzevich Ulrich Fischer Walter Furman
11:40 #1317 #1178 #1464 #1443 #1246 #1799
Measurement of the 236U(n,f) Cross-Section at n_TOF Improvement on Decay Heat Summation Calculations by Means of Total Absorption
Gamma-ray Spectroscopy
The Possibilities of the
Extended IGISOL Facility at JYFL
Interactive Information
System for Preparation
and Verification of
Nuclear Data in the
High-Energy Range
Cross Section Data Testing with ENDF/B-VII.0 and
Potential ENDF/B-VII.1 Evaluations
Resonance Region
Nuclear Data Analysis
to Support Advanced
Fuel Cycle Development
Raul Sarmento A. Algora Heikki Penttilä Korovin Yury A.C. Kahler Michael E. Dunn
Thursday, April 29
  * Red Color: Invited Talk
  Room A
Plenary III
Chair: Mamoru Baba

#1062 Towards the Next Generation of Radioactive Beam Facilities: The European Roadmap
Sydney Gales

#1783 Neutron Nucleus Interaction Instrument (NNRI) for Capture Cross Section Measurements at J-PARC
Yoshiaki Kiyanagi
  Room A Room B Room C Room D Room E Room F
Neutron Capture
Cross Section
Measurements I
Charged Particle-induced
Reaction Measurements I
Specific Libraries Data Dissemination I Uncertainty Quantification and
Covariance Matrix III
Astrophysics Applications I
Chair: Frank Gunsing Chair: Hiroyoshi Sakurai Chair: Tokio Fukahori Chair: Naoki Yamano Chair: Andrej Trkov Chair: Sun Kee Kim
10:30 #1732 #1537 #1025 #1686 #1654 #1785
Cross Sections for
Neutron Capture from
Surrogate Measurements
Measurement of Energy-Angular Neutron Distribution
for 7Li, 9Be(p,xn) Reaction at Ep =70 MeV and Ep =11 MeV
Theoretical Method to
set up File-6 for Light Nuclei
Overview of the OECD
NEA Data Bank Activities
Nuclear Data Uncertainty
Propagation: Total
Monte Carlo vs. Covariances
Neutron Studies for
Dating the Universe
Jutta Escher Mamoru Baba Yinlu Han Emmeric Dupont Dimitri Rochman F. Käppeler
11:00 #1380 #1485 #1096 #1489 #1497 #1782
Measurements of
Cross-Sections of
244Cm at the
Energy Dependence of
Fragmentation and
Spallation Reactions of
136Xe with Ti and P
above 200 A MeV
Neutron Cross Section
Libraries for Methane in
Phase II and Solid Deuterium
Nuclear Data Activities in the
International Atomic
Energy Agency-Nuclear Data
Section (IAEA-NDS)
Application of the
Unified Monte Carlo
Method to the Evaluation of
Non-normally Distributed Nuclear Data
Recent Results from
New Measurement and
Analysis Techniques,
and Their Impact on
Nuclear Astrophysics
Atsushi Kimura Jose Benlliure J.R. Granada Robin Forrest Roberto Capote P.E. Koehler
11:20 #1310 #1212 #1679 #1470 #1349 #1625
Transmission and
Capture Measurements
for241Am at GELINA
Cross Sections from
Heavy-Ion Interactions
Development of On-line Nuclear Materials
Thermo-physical Property Database (THERPRO)
Information Management
Tools for Evaluated Nuclear
Structure Data File (ENSDF)
Interrogation and Dissemination
Comparison of Covariance Matrices Obtained
by Different Methods
Neutrino Induced
Reaction Data for
Peter Schillebeeckx Daiki Satoh Sama Bilbao y Leon Daniel Abriola Denise Neudecker Myung-Ki Cheoun
11:40 #1538 #1502 #1663   #1294  
LANSCE Nuclear Science Facilities and Activities Experimental Approaches to
Studying the Fission Process Using the Surrogate Reaction
The e-Science
Paradigm for Nuclear Data
Propagation of Nuclear
Data Uncertainties in
Transmutation Calculations Using ACAB Code
Ron Nelson Jason Burke Kihyeon Cho Oscar Cabellos
  Charged Particle-induced
Reaction Measurements II
Nuclear Structure
& Decay Data IV
Nuclear Data Evaluations
  Fission Products Studies
Chair: José Benlliure Chair: Yeongduk Kim Chair: Roberto Capote Chair: Allan Carlson
13:30 #1181 #1707   #1111    
Measurement of
Deuteron Induced
Thick Target Neutron
Yields at 9 MeV
Weak Decay Widths of
Lambda Hypernuclei
Actinide Evaluations for ENDF/B-VII.1: (n,f), (n,2n), and (n,g) Reaction Cross Sections and Fission Product Yields
Nobuhiro Shigyo Hyoung Chan Bhang Mark Chadwick
14:00 #1621 #1699   #1305   #1251
Cross Sections of Bismuth
and Polonium Isotopes in the
Reaction of 209Bi with Protons
Impact of TAGS
Measurements on FP
Decay Data and Decay
Heat Calculations
Evaluation of n+Cr-52
Cross Section Data up
to 150 MeV Neutron Energy
Semi-Empirical Model
Study for the
Yield-Energy Relations
of the 235U+n fission
Y.H. Chung Tadashi Yoshida Pavel Pereslavtsev Ruirui Xu
14:20 #1257 #1668   #1561   #1151
Measurement of Double Differential Neutron Production
Yields at 180o  for 140 MeV Proton Incident Reactions on Graphite and Iron
The HypHI Phase 0
Experiment at GSI
Evaluation and Validation of
the U-235, U-238 and Pu-239 Prompt Fission  Neutron Spectra and Covariances
Based on New Parametrisation
of the Kornilov Model
Population Characteristics
for Spin and Excitation
Energy of Fragments
in Thermal Neutron
Induced Fission
Yosuke Iwamoto Eunhee Kim Roberto Capote Herbert Faust
14:40 #1476 #1688   #1084   #1282
Systematic Investigation on
Momentum Distributions of
Projectile-like Fragments at
E/A = 290 MeV/u
Decay Schemes of
Three-quasiparticle Isomers
in 119,121Sb and 121,123I
Advanced Evaluation of
237Np and 243Am 
Neutron Data
Comparison of Fission
Product Cross-sections
Between ENDF/B-VII.0 and
ENDF/B-VI.8 Impact of Revisions on Inventories and
Decay-heats in PFBR
Sadao Momota C.-B. Moon Vladimir Maslov Pandikumar Gurusamy
  Charged Particle-induced
Reaction Measurements III
Detection Techniques I   Nuclear Reaction Models V Benchmark Testing III Accelerator-related
Chair: Yacine Kadi Chair: Mike Heffner Chair: Yukinobu Watanabe Chair: Ulrich Fischer Chair: Samuel Andriamonje
15:30 #1450 #1160   #1754 #1735 #1793
Analysis of the Dosimetry
Cross Sections Measurements up to 35 MeV with the 7Li(p,xn)
Neutron Source
Study of Neutron Capture Reactions Using
the 4π Ge Spectrometer
Quantum Mechanical
Theories of Pre-Equilibrium
Nuclear Reactions
JENDL-4 Integral
Testing for Fission Systems
Accelerator Mass
Spectrometry in Korea
S.P. Simakov Hideo Harada Takeshi Udagawa Keisuke Okumura Jong Chan Kim
16:00 #1438 #1332   #1245 #1499 #1622
Total Fission Cross
Sections in Proton
Induced Reactions on
Tantalum Targets
Spectral Flux of the p-7Li(C)
Neutron Source
Analysis of Deuteron
Breakup and Induced
Activation on Medium
Assessement of the
JEFF-3.1.1 Neutron Data Library with Updated Thermal Scattering Data for Criticality Safety Evaluations of LWR
Fuel Storage Pools
Study on the Injection
System for Cyclotron
Mass Spectrometry
Jose Benlliure Jan Novák Marilena Avrigeanu Edwin Kolbe J.W. Kim
16:20 #1334 #1633   #1744 #1599  
Fragment DDX Measurement of
Proton Induced Reactions on
Light-Medium Nuclei for Energy Range from Reaction Threshold to a few Hundred MeV
High Flux Thermal Neutron Response Measurement by
Self-powered SiC PIN-type
Semiconductor Detector
Extended Optical Model Analyses of Elastic Scattering and Fusion Cross Sections
for Loosely Bound Projectile Systems at Near-Coulomb-barrier Energies
Criticality Benchmark Calculations on the UO2
 and MOX Fuel Arrays Using
ENDF/B-V, VI, and VII Data
Toshiya Sanami Jang Ho Ha Seung-Woo Hong Young Tae Han
16:40 #1067 #1288   #1099 #1162 #1659
Time-Dependent Spectra of Neutrons Emmitted from
Interaction of 1 and 4 GeV Deutrons with Massive Natural Uranium and Lead Targets
Measurements and Evaluation of Differential Cross
Sections for Ion Beam Analysis
Analysis of Inclusive
(d,xn) and (d,xp)
Reactions for Energies
up to 100 MeV
Benchmark Testing of
Measurement of 13C(n,γ)14C Cross Section Using AMS
(Accelerator Mass Spectrometry)
Walter Furman Daniel Abriola Tao Ye Haicheng Wu Junghun Park
Friday, April 30
  * Red Color: Invited Talk
  Room A Room B Room C Room D Room E Room F
Neutron Capture Cross Section Measurements II Detection Techniques II   Data Dissemination II Uncertainty Quantification and
Covariance Matrix IV
Astrophysics Applications II
Chair: Masayuki Igashira Chair: Peter Schillebeeckx Chair: Emmeric Dupont Chair: Eric Bauge Chair: F. Käppeler
8:30 #1503 #1233   #1393 #1263 #1613
Neutron Capture on 209Bi: Determination of the Production Ratio of 210mBi / 210gBi Neutron-Emission Measurements at a
White Neutron Source
Quality Management
System proposed to
JENDL Evaluation Project
Covariance Evaluation for Actinide Nuclear Data in JENDL-4 Underground
Experiments in Korea
Frank Gunsing Robert Haight Naoki Yamano Osamu Iwamoto Sun Kee Kim
9:00 #1402 #1673   #1110 #1163 #1606
Measurement of Neutron Capture Cross Section and
Gamma-ray Spectra of
88Sr in the keV Energy Region
Decay Energy (Q)
Spectroscopy Using
Low Temperature
The Role of the Nuclear Reaction Data Centres Network in Experimental Nuclear Data Knowledge
COVAC System for
Covariance Data Evaluation
Kaon Condensation in
Neutron Stars and
Related Astrophysical Issues
Tatsuya Katabuchi Yong Hamb Kim Naohiko Otsuka Ruirui Xu Chang-Hwan Lee
9:20 #1672 #1145   #1529   #1604
Capture Cross Sections
via the Surrogate
Reaction Method
Nondestructive Detection of Isotopes Using Ncuelar
Resonance Fluorescence with
Laser Compton Scattering
NNDC Data Services Kaon Condensation in the Neutron Star with a Quark-Meson Coupling Model
Guillaume Boutoux Takehito Hayakawa Jagdish Tuli Chang Ho Hyun
9:40 #1338 #1103   #1174     
Neutron Capture Measurements on Minor Actinides at the n TOF Facility at CERN: Past, Present and Future  MonteCarlo Simulations with
GEANT4 for the Study of a Moderated Neutron Detector and Its Experimental Validation
The Atomic Mass Evaluation and the Mass Tables
Carlos Guerrero Maria Belen Gomez Hornillos Fillp Kondev
  Neutron Capture
Cross Section
Measurements III
Detection Techniques III   Theoretical Studies Uncertainty Quantification and
Covariance Matrix V
Safeguards & Securities
Chair: Luiz Leal Chair: Robert Haight Chair: Toshihiko Kawano Chair: Helmut Leeb Chair: Michael E. Dunn
10:30 #1431 #1560   #1514 #1222 #1637
Systematic Study on
keV-Neutron Capture
Reaction of Se Isotopes
The Fission Time
Projection Chamber Project
Improving the Description of
Collective Effects within the
Combinatorial Model
of Nuclear Level Densities
Evaluation of the Covariance Matrix of 239Pu Neutronic Cross Sections in the Continuum Region Using the Backward-Forward
Monte-Carlo Method
Evaluation of Sigma-MUF (Material Unaccounted For)
 for the Conceptually
Designed Korea Advanced Pyroprocess Facility
Masayuki Igashira Mike Heffner Stéphane Hilaire Eric Bauge H.L. Chang
11:00 #1521 #1552   #1685 #1579 #1550
Neutron Capture and
Fission Cross Sections
of  241,242m,243Am.
Yttrium as a New Threshold Detector for Fast Neutron Energy Spectrum (>10MeV) Measurement Self-consistent Analyses of Nuclear Level Structures,
B(E2)  γ-Transitions,
and Nucleon Interaction Data
of Even-Even Sn Isotopes
Nuclear Data Sensitivity
and Uncertainty Analysis
Using Adjoint Flux Estimated
 in Monte Carlo Forward Calculations
Application of Nuclear
Data in Croatia
M. Jandel Marcin Bielewicz Jeong-Yeon Lee Hyung Jin Shim Ankica Cizmek
11:20 #1432 #1720   #1765 #1183 #1565
Measurement of
241Am Ground State
Radiative Neutron
Capture Cross Section
with Cold Neutron Beam
Polarimeter for measuring the
polarization of the 3He
nucleus with Apollo NMR setup and home-made coils
Accurate Effective Field
Theory Predictions for a few
Body Electroweak Processes
Effect of Cross Section
Uncertainties on Criticality Benchmark Problem
Analysis by McCARD
Current Development
of Lead Slowing Down
Spectrometer for
Nuclear Material Analysis
Tamás Belgya Wooyoung Kim Tae-Sun Park Chang Hyo Kim YongDeok Lee
11:40 #1266 #1293   #1618   #1389
Capture Cross Section
Measurements of
185,187Re with Filtered Neutron Beams at the Dalat
Research Reactor
A 4π  Germanium Spectrometer for Measurements of Neutron Capture Cross Sections by the
Time-of-Flight Method at the
Probing Lambda-Lambda Potential Applications of
Photonuclear Physics
for International
Safeguards and Security
Son Pham Ngoc Tadahiro Kin Choong-Jae Yoon Micah Johnson
12:00 Closing
Chair: Jonghwa Chang