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Deadline for summary submission is 31 October 2009. |
- | To submit your summary, please first make an account via 'Login' of the ND2010 home page. |
- | 'My Page' will be shown after signing in. It is where your summary can be submitted by selecting '2. Manage my summary paper'. |
- | The summary box accepts plain text form including TeX macro. |
- | Please keep your summary within 300 words. |
The selection of the ND2010 Conference contributions will be made by the review of the conference committees, and the accepted contributors will be notified at the end of 2009.
The accepted summaries are eligible for the full paper submission (Deadline: 26 April 2010), which will be published as an issue of Nuclear Engineering and Technology (NET) of Korean Nuclear Society after a proper review process.
The work described must be within the scope of the conference. The conference committees require the summary preferably report some new, significant results or ideas, and be different from previously published articles.